Cinema  and  Literature - Minimum language level required B2 - Cultura Italiana Arezzo
Italian Language Courses

Cinema and Literature - Minimum language level required B2

The unquenchable affair between love and conflict among two profoundly different arts. Italian novels made into films: Enriching? Or a disgrace?


In the first lesson of this course, students will analyze the history of Italian cinema from its origins, the period in which most films’ stories were adapted almost exclusively from literature, to post-modernity, the moment when Italian cinematography became the most creatively independent it has ever been.The first lesson will also allow the instructor, as well as fellow students, to learn more about each participant’s cinematographic knowledge and interests.

The remainder of the course will then coincide with the cinematographic interests and knowledge of the participants taken note from the instructor during the first lesson. The lessons will be adapted to the participants level of comprehension of Italian and will more or less abide by the following structure:

• the instructor will choose a film and a novel according to the interests of the participants
• the instructor will provide students with excerpts from the novel and will ask students to read either at home or in class
• Students will then be asked to reflect on the text, first linguistically, in order to concentrate on important literary structures that in most cases are difficult to comprehend. The course will take place in parts (chunks). Each part will conduct an analysis of the literary text and the part of the film to which the text corresponds.
• Students will be asked to imagine and express (vocally or by writing) how they would have cinematographically represented all of what they have read. In this phase students will strengthen their ability to communicate abstract ideas by explaining orally and through writing their own opinions and ideas.
• Students will affirm their comprehension through discussion of the analyzed and contextualized material.
• Students will then get the chance to compare the text from the novel to its corresponding part in the original screenplay.
• Lastly students will be asked to reflect on the differences in written language and verbal language; for example, how in film, ideas are expressed through dialogue versus how in literature, ideas are expressed descriptively only to be accompanied, if at all, by dialogue).
• In addition, details about the novel’s author and the film’s director will be presented and discussed in each part of the course.

Each module will provide an analysis of both the literary text and the film that it was made into.

2 weeks - 4 hours per day (1 hour= 60 minutes) + participation in afternoon activities
4 people: € 695.00 per person
5-6 people: € 640.00 per person
7-8 people: € 600.00 per person

1 week - 4 hours per day (1 hour= 60 minutes) + participation in afternoon activities
4 people: € 398,00 per person
5-6 people : € 370,00 per person
7-8 people: € 350,00 per person

Minimum Language Level Requirement: B2

Some testimonials:

- “Il seminario di cinema e letteratura è stato un’esperienza molto stimolante. Quattro romanzi italiani portati sullo schermo da registi italiani, quindi anche quattro film in cui abbiamo cercato di capire le scelte cinematografiche. L’insegnante è riuscita a farci approfondire allo stesso tempo la nostra conoscenza della lingua italiana. Tutto quello in un ambiente rilassato e accogliente, pieno d’umorismo. Ancora questa volta, complimenti a tutto il team di Cultura Italiana Arezzo, in particolare alla nostra competentissima insegnante, Laura!”

Nathalie Cartier, Canada

- "Le mie aspettative sono state non soltanto corrisposte ma anche superate. Il corso ha trattato di molti aspetti di cui non sapevo niente, specialmente quanto riguarda il cinema. Le opere, libri e film sono state ben scelte perché interessante e avvincente. Laura, la nostra docente, è molto brava, erudita e competente. Conosce veramente il tema ed è un piacere lasciarsi guidare da lei in questa materia. Sapeva anche fare partecipare tutti alla discussione. Allora grazie mille, cara Laura, per questo bel corso. Aspetto il proseguimento!"

Christine Hamp, Francia

- "Mi congratulo con voi di avere immaginato un modo talmente ingegnoso di coinvolgere un gruppo così diverso. Spero che avete sperimentato nel prepararlo altrettanto piacere quanto noi nel parteciparci. Per me è stato una vera rivelazione pedagogica!"

Pat Gerrard, Inghilterra


I had a great time studying at Cultura Italiana Arezzo. The class was right level and the teacher (Monica) was very entusiastic! The small class was great and I feel I was able to learn so much in just a week. Arezzo is a lovely city with lots of character. I loved especially the walk we took with Monica and the faboulous tasting class. I will definitely try to come back in the future :)

Emily Yamahiro - 35 years old    (  Singapore)