Cultura Italiana Arezzo

How to register

In order to validate the registration, a deposit of € 130 is required. You can pay the deposit either online by credit card through Paypal on our secured site, or by making a bank wire transfer. For bank transfers, please indicate the name of the student for whom the payment is being made. Bank charges are at the student’s expense.”. The balance should be paid directly to the school on the first day of the course.

Information for bank wire transfers:
Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Agenzia Sede
Corso Italia, 221
52100 Arezzo
IBAN: IT 71 X 01030 14100 000003971059

In order to validate the registration a deposit of Euro 130 is required

* I authorise the use of my personal data in compliance with article 137dlGS Nn. 196/2003 of the Italian legal system..



The staff at Cultura Italiana Arezzo are very warm and welcoming . My instructor, Laura, was dynamic, always animated and very funny. She teaches language with her whole body and somehow is able to figure out how to assist each one of her students when they have difficulties. The lessons went by very quickly and she had us speaking a lot right from the first day... and she did not speak to us in English at all - Grazie, Laura!
The language school is small as is Arezzo. For me this was a perfect fit as a beginner italian student. It is easy to walk everywhere and the people in the shops and cafés were kind and tried hard to understand me. I would love to come back to Arezzo to learn more italian and to enjoy this beautiful city again .

Theresa - 62 anni    (  Canada)