Italian language school near Florence - Cultura Italiana Arezzo
Cultura Italiana Arezzo

Italian language school near Florence

Cultura Italiana Arezzo is a school and center of activity promoting Italian language courses near Florence.
The school organizes Italian language courses near Florence into one, two, three, four, or more weeks — as many as you wish.
Although of course tourists come to Arezzo, it is generally less crowded than Florence and as a result, the hotels and many restaurants here offer better value for money.

The local people are very friendly and welcoming, and will be delighted to speak Italian with you – fewer people speak English here than in other cities.

Classes begin each week, on Monday morning. Based on your knowledge of the language, you are assigned to a group of your level, or a new group is created to accommodate your needs. All the teachers are experienced graduates qualified to teach Italian as a foreign language.

Are you interested to study italian near Florence?

Our School is perfect to learn italian , contact us for further information!


Working with Ilaria greatly increased my confiance in my spoken Italian . I found myself walking in to stores and asking questions without hesitation and was able to be of help in Florence when my professor husband tried to purchase tickets for his 29 students senza speaking any Italian. The bigliettaia spoke little English. Io ho detto a me, "bravissima"!

Ellen - 68 anni    (  USA)