Language and Art history - Minimum language level required B1 - Cultura Italiana Arezzo
Italian Language Courses

Language and Art history - Minimum language level required B1

The Language and Art History course is divided into 3 weeks: the first week will cover the Medieval era while the second and third week will be over the Renaissance; however, we offer the possibility to attend the course for only one week with the choice to attend either one of the historical periods.
For all the weeks, alternating in between afternoon lessons and guided-tours, students will have the chance to deepen their understanding and bring to life all that will be presented and studied in class.

This course is a true and sheer immersion not only into the art but also into the history and the culture of Italy, particular of Tuscany. The periods studied are the Medieval and Renaissance.
Together these are the most significant and interesting periods of art in Tuscany. The works of art from these two periods became a point of inspiration for artists all over the world.

Among the lessons in class and the guided-tours, the course will take place within the cities of Arezzo and Florence. Having the opportunity to observe and evaluate the works of art in-person offers students the possibility to witness the works of art that are so important to Italian art history. Among the skillful and ingenious artists to be studied are Giotto, Masaccio, Donatello, Brunelleschi, Piero della Francesca, only to name a few.

Base Course: 1,2 or 3 weeks
Italian Comprehension Level: Intermediate/ Advanced
Starting date of course: every Monday
In the morning (Monday to Friday) students will attend the intensive Italian language course and 4 afternoons a week art history lessons. The days and times of the art history course will be communicated 1 week before the beginning of the course.


1 WEEK: MEDIEVAL ERA - 4 afternoons:

- 1° lesson: In-class lesson: Arezzo
A brief introduction to the history of Arezzo, from its origins in the Roman era, touching on San Donato, and ending with the Medieval era. This brief history lesson will introduce the most note-worthy and well-known monuments of the city and territory with a brief reference to Guido d’Arezzo.
Coverage of both civic and religious architectural elements of the medieval era, particularly romanesque and gothic styles
- Guided-tour: Arezzo:
Pieve di Santa Maria (Romanesque architecture, the concept of a “pieve” and a presentation of San Donato)
Piazza Grande
Duomo of Arezzo (gothic architecture, San Donato, the figure of Vescovo-Conte and Pope Gregory X)

- 2° lesson: In-class lesson: Siena

- 3° lesson: Guided-tour: Siena
Complex of Santa Maria Assunta: Baptistry as an example of romanesque architecture (exterior only), Duomo, facade of Giovanni Pisano e Camaino di Crescentino, bell-tower and "facciatone" (example of gothic architecture);
“Terzo di città and Piazza del Campo”: one of the best preserved and authentic medieval areas of Tuscany (civil architecture, such as Palazzo Pubblico, case-torri, Castellari and "The Palio")
Torre Del Mangia
Loggia della Mercanzia
Piazza della Salimbeni and Piazza de' Tolomei (examples of medieval Castellari that later became the headquarters of public buildings);
Cateriniana Basilica of San Domenico (Gothic beggar religious architecture, frescoes of Sodom, works by Guido da Siena, Matteo Di Giovanni, Francesco di Giorgio e B. Rossellino).
Sanctuary of Santa Caterina in Siena - visit inside the house of Saint Caterina, oratory of the kitchen, the room and church with works by Sodoma, Casolani and Pomarancio)

- 4° lesson: In-class lesson: Arezzo
Paintings of the 13th and 14th century
Sculptures of the 13th and 14th century
- Guided-tour: Arezzo
Pieve di Santa Maria:
Sculpture: faceted lunette reliefs, two smaller reliefs of the interior, tiles of the baptistry
Paintings: the Cross of Margarito, Altarpiece of Lorenzetti, and “Giottesque” frescos (in the manner of Giotto)
Sculpture: wooden statue of la Madonna in Trono con Bambino Gesù° (Mary on the Throne with Jesus), high altar, memorial of Bishop Guido Tarlati
Paintings: giottesque fresco of the Tarlati Chapel among other chapel painting in the nave;
Church of San Domenico
Sculpture: Dragondelli chapel, stone statue depicting “la Madonna in Trono con Bambino Gesù”
Pittura: Cross of Cimabue and frescos of Spinello Aretino and Parri di Spinello


- RENAISSANCE - 15th CENTURY: 1° WEEK - 4 afternoons

- 1° lesson: In-class lesson: Florence
Brief historical and cultural introduction on the period of Early Renaissance (15th century), on the most interesting artists and on the novelties these artists have brought from the historical and artistical point of view with elements of architecture, painting, and sculpture.

- 2° lesson: Guided Tour: Florence:
Church of Santa Maria Novella (facade by L. B. Alberti, The Trinity fresco by Masaccio, frescoes by Domenico Ghirlandaio and Filippino Lippi)
Dome of the Cathedral: one of the greatest achievements of Renaissance architecture (Brunelleschi);
Palazzo Medici-Riccardi: model of a Renaissance aristocratic palace (Michelozzo)
Brancacci Chapel (Masaccio, Masolino and Filippo Lippi)
Statues in Orsanmichele (Donatello, Filippo Brunelleschi and Lorenzo Ghiberti)

- 3° lesson: In-class lesson: Arezzo:
Brief historical and cultural introduction on the period of Early Renaissance (15th century), on the most interesting artists and on the novelties these artists have brought from the historical and artistical point of view with elements of painting, and sculpture.
- Guided-tour: Arezzo:
Basilica of San Francesco: frescoes by Piero della Francesca The Legend of the True Cross, frescoes by Lorentino d’Andrea, Bicci di Lorenzo and Niccolò Soggi and funerary monument in terracotta by Michele da Firenze
Abbey of the SS. Flora and Lucilla: fresco depicting San Lorenzo by Bartolomeo della Gatta
Church of SS. Michele and Adriano: altarpiece by Neri di Bicci
Facade of Palazzo di Fraternita: relief reperesenting the Madonna of Mercy by Bernardo Rossellino
Cathedral: marble relief representing the Baptism of Jesus by Donatello and reliefs in glazed terracotta by Andrea della Robbia
Sanctuary of S. Maria delle Grazie: architecture by Benedetto and Giuliano da Maiano, altarpiece by Andrea della Robbia and Lorentino d’Andrea, and frescoes by Lorentino d’Andrea

- 4° lesson: In-class lesson: Arezzo:
Elements of Renaissance Architecture

- RENAISSANCE 16th CENTURY: 2° WEEK - 4 afternoons

- 1° lesson: In-class lesson: Florence:
Brief historical and cultural introduction on the period of Mannerism (with hints to Michelangelo, Leonardo and Raffaello), on the most interesting artists of the time and on the novelties these artists have brought from the historical and artistical point of view with elements of architecture, painting, and sculpture

- 2° lesson: Guided Tour: Florence:
Cloister of the Church SS. Annunziata: frescoes by Andrea del Sarto, Pontormo and Rosso Fiorentino;
Basilica of San Lorenzo: paintings by Rosso Fiorentino and Bronzino;
Medicea - Laurenziana Library: architecture by Michelangelo;
Statues in Piazza della Signoria: The Rape of the Sabines by Giambologna and Perseus by Benvenuto Cellini;
Uffizi Gallery (outside);
Vasarian Corridor (outside)
Church of S. Felicita: Capponi Chapel decorated with frescoes by Pontormo and Bronzino.

- 3° lesson: In-class lesson: Arezzo:
Brief historical, cultural introduction on the most interesting artists of the time (with hints to Michelangelo and Raffaello), on the novelties these artists have brought from the historical and artistical point of view with elements of architecture.
- Guided-tour: Arezzo:
Church of SS. Annunziata: architecture by Antonio da Sangallo
Abbey of the SS. Flora and Lucilla: architecture by Giorgio Vasari
Piazza Grande: Lodge by Giorgio Vasari

- 4° lesson: In-class lesson: Arezzo:
Elements of Mannerist painting and sculpture
Painting and sculpture:
Cathedral: stained glass windows by Guillaume de Marcillat and Baptism of Christ by Giorgio Vasari;
Church of SS. Annunziata: Adoration by Niccolò Soggi, Deposition of Jesus by Giorgio Vasari;
Abbey of SS. Flora and Lucilla: Visitation by G. A. Lappoli; high altar and Assumption by Giorgio Vasari;
Casa Vasari Museum: paintings by Giorgio Vasari

Cost of Intensive Language Course and Art History Course (1 Week on Medieval Era):
1 student: € 864
2 students: € 594 per person
3 students:€ 504 per person

The cost consists of:
-Intensive language course in the morning, from Monday to Friday (1 week)
-In-class history of art lessons
-Guided-tours with a history of art teacher and tour-guide
-entrance to the museums
-bus tickets to and from Siena

Cost of Intensive Language Course and Art History Course (2 Weeks on Renaissance):
1 student: € 1650
2 students: € 1111 per person
3 students: € 931 per person

The cost consists of:
-Intensive language course in the morning, from Monday to Friday (2 weeks)
-In-class history of art lessons
-Guided-tours with a history of art teacher and tour-guide
-entrance to the museums
-train tickets to and from Florence

On request it is also possible to attend the one-week course on the Renaissance.
The cost of 1 week on the Renaissance is:

1 student: € 885
2 students: € 615 per person
3 students: € 525 per person


The school meets all my expectations. The teachers are wonderful: they teach effectively and in a very nice atmosphere. My language has improved significantly after 2 weeks of learning . Which is important: I could learn not only italian but also the culture and history of Tuscany.

Ilona - 43 anni    (  Polonia)